Photographer Pham Huy Trung has captured the beautiful water lily harvest in Vietnam in this selection of pictures. Trung is a highly talented photographer based in Ho Chi Minh City. Enjoy his stunning images from the water lily harvest in Vietnam!

More Info: Website|Instagram|(h/t:visualflood)

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5 6 263489098 448195533691357 4548187199067368939 n 297656071 763601658165521 8625681181524913077 n 1 309563610 1468586160281265 6918598915947689662 n 313970705 189615373549271 5577215951786254027 n 314028526 436221445354255 3141244705462399995 n 315493290 5552446114875707 2084024737747524518 n

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