I came across this super cool article that I’m really excited to share with you on Facebook! It’s about this awesome artist named Brian Mock who does some incredible stuff with old stuff. 😄 He’s based in Oregon and he takes old nuts, bolts, and scrap metal pieces and turns them into these amazing shiny sculptures of animals. Can you believe it? Cats, dogs, mountain lions, bears – he’s got it all covered!

What’s really neat is that Brian doesn’t hide where he gets his materials from. Nope, he actually makes sure to include every single bit of those old pieces in his sculptures. And you won’t believe how futuristic and unique they end up looking. Brian loves the challenge of turning a bunch of random things into something totally new and awesome. He says it’s not easy, but it’s totally worth it. His sculptures are so interactive and make you question what’s real!

The best part? Most of his sculptures are life-sized! Can you imagine how cool that must look? And get this – he makes them look like they’re doing real things, just like the animals in real life. Like, one sculpture shows a dog running with a ball, and another has this huge mountain lion on the prowl. It’s like he captures their behavior and personality perfectly.

I’ve included some pictures of Brian’s scrap metal sculptures below so you can see just how amazing they are. And if you’re as fascinated as I am, you can stay updated on all his new creations by following him on Instagram.


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