This heartwarming story is about Bon Bon, a baby monkey rescued by Animal Home in Indonesia in June 2021. He’s a prime example of nature’s ability to overcome boundaries; despite the fact that he wasn’t related to them biologically, he treated the ducklings at Animal Home as his own younger siblings.
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Source: Animal Home
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Source: Animal Home
Bon would hang out with them in the garden and take care of them, even going so far as to protect them from any potential harm. The strong bond between these two different species was clear; it seemed that Bon Bon was truly happy when he was able to spend time with his feathered friends.


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Source: Animal Home
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Source: Animal Home
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Source: Animal Home
Bon Bon and the duckling had a strong bond of friendship which was visible in their interactions. Whenever Bon Bon saw something strange and potentially dangerous, he acted swiftly to protect the duckling, gathering them up and leading them away from danger. When it seemed safe again, the brother monkey would cuddle with the tiny ducks to reassure them that they were all safe.
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Source: Animal Home
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Source: Animal Home
A heartwarming video depicting Bon Bon the duck surrounded by his loyal duckling friends went viral on Animal Home’s YouTube channel, sparking joy in people from all over the world. In addition to providing engaging entertainment, Animal Home also provides an opportunity for visitors to meet Bon Bon and his family: “If you have the opportunity to come to Indonesia, remember to visit our family!”
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Source: Animal Home
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Source: Animal Home
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Source: Animal Home
This moving story serves as a reminder of companionship, friendship and unconditional love. To stay up-to-date on more stories like this one, be sure to hit the ‘like’ and ‘share’ buttons below and check out some of the other articles featured on our site.
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