Rojiman and Umatan are incredible Japanese couple with a unique talent for creating the most adorable miniature hats using the fur that their cats naturally shed. It all started when Umatan, after brushing their beloved cats Nya, Maru, and Mugi, noticed the stray hairs collected on the brush. Without hesitation, she stacked them together, creating a tiny mountain of fur. Intrigued by this sight, she decided to place it on top of one of their cat’s heads. To their amazement, the feline had a surprisingly clear expression as if it truly enjoyed wearing its new hat. This discovery marked the beginning of their creative journey together.”It was so surreal, yet so cute, that I wanted to make something more with the hair. I thought that if the pile of hair was more like a hat, it would be easier to put it on the cat’s head. I pressed and rubbed the hairs with my hands to test them, and they hardened like felt, so I shaped them so that the cat’s head would fit into them. That was the first hat I made, the Acorn Hat,” Umatan had said Bored Panda.
The artists’ creativity knows no bounds! Not only do they excel at designing hats, but they have also expanded their repertoire to include a wide range of delightful headpieces. From wigs to animal ears, crowns to helmets, their creations are truly remarkable.

Umatan, the mastermind behind these charming accessories, puts careful thought and artistry into each design. And Rojiman skillfully captures their cats proudly showcasing the stunning pieces on camera.

Take a moment to marvel at some of their finest creations below. Prepare to be inspired by the ingenuity and talent on display!

More Info: Instagram (rojiman) | Instagram (umatan) (article h/t: boredpanda)


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